True Sword is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
Dam Sebi, renowned as the greatest strategist and the most powerful master in the martial arts world (Murim), is counted as the foremost among the Five Great Heavenly Kings. Despite having stopped the fight between the Murim’s supreme masters, Tak Mu-Gi, the Mad Blood Warrior, and Baek Li-Dan-Mok, the Lord of the Northern Ice Palace, using only simple techniques, he suddenly left Murim five years ago and wandered outside.
15-eng-li 2 days, 7 hours
14-eng-li 2 days, 7 hours
13-eng-li 2 days, 7 hours
12-eng-li 2 days, 7 hours
11-eng-li 2 days, 7 hours
10-eng-li 2 days, 7 hours
9-eng-li 2 days, 7 hours
8-eng-li 2 days, 7 hours
7-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
6-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
5-eng-li 5 months, 1 week
4-eng-li 5 months, 1 week
3-eng-li 5 months, 1 week
2-eng-li 5 months, 1 week
1-eng-li 5 months, 1 week
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