The Savior's Bucket List is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
Yonghak ultimately failed to save the world despite repeated regressions. At the next regression, he decides to quit being a savior. But suddenly, disciples show up, one by one... Will the world be kept safe?! Will the savior be able to fulfill his bucket list of wishes for rest?!
Abused Female Lead
Adopted Child/ren
Adopted Protagonist
Abused Protagonist
Full Color
Abandoned Protagonist
Child Abuse
Child Protagonist
Female Protagonist
European Ambience
Abused Male Lead
Abandoned Child/ren
Defying Destiny/Fate
Child Assassin
Reincarnated as a Side/Mob Character
Attempted Murder
Lost Mother
Mother and Daughter
Parental Abandonment
Heartless Father
Abusive Father
Parental Favoritism
Scenario Deviation
Based on a Novel
Historical Fantasy
A Change in Art Style
Strong-Willed Female Lead
Bullied Female Lead
Dead Family Member/s
Reincarnated in a Book World
Disabled Protagonist
53-eng-li 4 months
52-eng-li 4 months
51-eng-li 4 months, 1 week
50-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
49-eng-li 4 months, 3 weeks
48-eng-li 5 months
47-eng-li 5 months, 1 week
46-eng-li 5 months, 1 week
45-eng-li 5 months, 3 weeks
44-eng-li 6 months, 1 week
43-eng-li 6 months, 2 weeks
42-eng-li 6 months, 3 weeks
41-eng-li 6 months, 3 weeks
40-eng-li 6 months, 3 weeks
39-eng-li 7 months
38-eng-li 7 months, 2 weeks
37-eng-li 7 months, 2 weeks
36-eng-li 7 months, 3 weeks
35-eng-li 8 months
34-eng-li 8 months, 1 week
33-eng-li 8 months, 3 weeks
32-eng-li 9 months
31-eng-li 9 months
30-eng-li 9 months, 1 week
29-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
28-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
27-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
26-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
25-eng-li 9 months, 4 weeks
24-eng-li 10 months
23-eng-li 10 months, 1 week
22-eng-li 10 months, 2 weeks
21-eng-li 10 months, 2 weeks
20-eng-li 10 months, 2 weeks
19-eng-li 10 months, 3 weeks
18-eng-li 10 months, 3 weeks
17-eng-li 11 months
16-eng-li 11 months
15-eng-li 11 months
14-eng-li 11 months, 3 weeks
13-eng-li 11 months, 4 weeks
12-eng-li 12 months
11-eng-li 12 months
10-eng-li 12 months
9-eng-li 12 months
8-eng-li 12 months
7-eng-li 12 months
6-eng-li 12 months
5-eng-li 1 year
4-eng-li 1 year
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