The Creatures that We Are is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, MONSTERS
series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
Gao Yang, an orphan, crosses over to a "parallel world" at the age of six and starts living in a warm family of five. At the age of eighteen, Gao Yang accidentally discovers the true nature of the world: it's not a parallel world at all but a mysterious realm, and the family and friends around him are all terrifying "beasts"!
20-eng-li 5 months, 1 week
19-eng-li 7 months, 2 weeks
18-eng-li 8 months, 2 weeks
17-eng-li 9 months, 1 week
16-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
15-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
14-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
13-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
12-22-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
12-1-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
11-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
10-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
9-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
8-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
7-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
6-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
5-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
4-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
3-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
2-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
1-eng-li 1 year, 1 month
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