Renge to Naruto! is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, ROMANCE
series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
It's been a few months since the neighborhood Chinese restaurant closed down, and when I stopped by for the first time in a while, I found that it had been transformed into a flashy, mysterious restaurant with its old signboard still intact. When I went inside, there was a gal there... This is a story about a Chinatown restaurant where gals are hospitable.
22-eng-li 1 day, 16 hours
21-eng-li 3 months, 1 week
20-eng-li 3 months, 3 weeks
19-eng-li 4 months, 2 weeks
18-eng-li 5 months, 2 weeks
17-eng-li 6 months
16-eng-li 6 months, 2 weeks
15-eng-li 6 months, 4 weeks
14-eng-li 7 months, 2 weeks
13-eng-li 8 months
12-eng-li 8 months, 2 weeks
11-eng-li 9 months
10-eng-li 9 months, 3 weeks
9-eng-li 10 months, 3 weeks
8-eng-li 11 months
7-eng-li 11 months, 2 weeks
6-eng-li 12 months
5-eng-li 1 year
4-eng-li 1 year
3-eng-li 1 year, 1 month
2-eng-li 1 year, 1 month
1-eng-li 1 year, 1 month
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