Isekai Metara is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
Alex, a devoted metalhead, finds himself in deep sorrow at his band’s breakup concert. Amidst the sadness, he experiences an electrical accident due to equipment trouble… When he wakes up, he discovers he has been transported to another world! In this new world, Alex encounters situations that are a ‘metalhead’s dream,’ featuring werewolves and dragons, which excite him immensely. Determined to lead this otherworld to peace with his metal spirit, Alex sets out on an adventurous journey…
Level System
Musical Instrument/s
Transported to Another World
13-3-eng-li 2 months
13-2-eng-li 2 months
13-eng-li 2 months
12-5-eng-li 2 months
12-eng-li 2 months
11-eng-li 2 months
10-eng-li 4 months, 1 week
9-eng-li 4 months, 1 week
8-eng-li 5 months, 2 weeks
7-eng-li 6 months
6-eng-li 6 months, 1 week
5-eng-li 6 months, 2 weeks
4-eng-li 6 months, 3 weeks
3-eng-li 6 months, 3 weeks
2-eng-li 7 months, 2 weeks
1-eng-li 7 months, 3 weeks
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