Destiny Divine Path is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is
He was betrayed when he was newly married, his adoptive father was killed, the boy fell into the abyss, met a mysterious woman, saw the precious bead , and gained good fortune. He returned from the abyss and vowed to take everything back and make the world tremble! Hold on destiny and follow the divine path!
31-eng-li 6 months, 1 week
30-eng-li 6 months, 1 week
29-eng-li 6 months, 3 weeks
28-eng-li 6 months, 3 weeks
27-eng-li 7 months
26-eng-li 7 months, 1 week
25-eng-li 7 months, 2 weeks
24-eng-li 7 months, 3 weeks
23-eng-li 8 months
22-eng-li 8 months, 1 week
21-eng-li 8 months, 2 weeks
20-eng-li 8 months, 2 weeks
19-eng-li 8 months, 2 weeks
18-eng-li 8 months, 2 weeks
17-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
16-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
15-eng-li 9 months, 2 weeks
14-eng-li 10 months
13-eng-li 10 months
12-eng-li 10 months
11-eng-li 10 months
10-eng-li 10 months
9-eng-li 10 months
8-eng-li 10 months
7-eng-li 10 months
6-eng-li 10 months
5-eng-li 10 months
4-eng-li 10 months
3-eng-li 10 months
2-eng-li 10 months
1-eng-li 10 months
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